Looking back on Space Robotics Challenge

Going back on the experience on the Space Robotics Challenge, one thing that strikes me is how close we were to a great result, but something was still missing to be among the top teams.

A task in the target sim environment

The winning team apparently solved this by using a 2d simulation. As a matter of …

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An Ideal Smart Home

I have been wondering what are the features that would make for an ideal smart home for me. What are the constraints that need to be fullfilled by a smart home?

A comfortable shelter

A home main usage is to provide shelter (protecting from the enviromnent) and comfort. So care …

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Smart Buildings, a perspective

It's been decades that we talk about Smart Home and more generally Smart Buildings, but adoption still seems limited. IoT and robotics being in the spotlight these days, can we expect more adoption soon?

Let's check some of the challenges for smart home/ building services, and what progress have been …

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Going Carbon Zero with offsets?

I had been wondering for sometime: can I buy carbon credits to offset my activity? I live in Japan, and go to Europe around once a year. The carbon impact of those trips basically doubles my carbon footprint.

offset certificate

I have once been offered by an airline company to offset my …

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Data Visualization sketches for early SARS-COV2 tracking

Let me share some visualization sketches from early March 2020, that I used to communicate around me about the upcoming pandemic.

This first one depicted the individual cases detected in Japan and the known links between them. It shows that early on, systematic contact tracing could not be achieved and …

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